
International Workers’ Day; Year of the Wood Dragon

      Wednesday 1 May 2024. ꩜ Beginnings ꩜ Finally officially qualified from CCPE as a psychotherapist last Friday.

       My books are open for more clients. To get a sense of the therapy service I offer, take a look at my bio here


Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio; Year of the Water Rabbit

Wednesday 8 November 2023.  Endings  Finished 5 years of psychotherapy training last night - at least when it comes to the taught course component of this journey. A handful of hours to accrue and one final assignment to complete and submit before I will be qualified. Just taking stock of how much my inner and outer landscape has shifted since I began my Foundation year in January 2018. Doesn’t feel like my body has registered the loss of this major holding, containing and facilitating entity in my life just yet.  

As a sort of call to levelling up as a professional in this field, I delivered a presentation & guided group activity for my friends at dreamXchange last Sunday - a session I named ‘Blind Torus’. For 3 hours, I shared my experiences working through an 8-year-old saga of encountering, jousting and romancing my own shadow through a poignant dream in 2015; how the work filtered down from the cognitive to intuitive to emotional and somative layer of my psyche; the tools I learned from CCPE along the way; with reference to various Case Studies from clinical peer-to-peer work during this final year of training in elemental magic, energy tracking and symbolic association. I concluded the session with an experimental group activity that invited participants to constellate a heart frequency torus between us - using this as a supportive mesh in which we free associated fragments of dreams together, akin to a more embodied form of social dreaming. 


Waning Snow Moon; Year of the Water Rabbit

Tuesday 14 February 2023. ⚕️ Heart Release ⚕️ Deep unconscious processing occasionally bubbling up as conscious interpretation following our first intensive weekend on dreams this year. I had been promised by a friend in the year above that this way of working has the interpretative power of 6 months of regular therapy (!), but I am still blown away by the depth and fluidity of this strand of the practice.

Forming a container in this new context with my regular supervision group, we set to work facilitating an ‘association’ of dream images for each other over the course of 2 days – bringing our choice of fresh, old and recurrent dreams to the crucible.

It is incredible to witness and experience the dense landscape of meaning, memory and emotion that clings to each visual or conceptual figure in that unconscious realm. Better yet, to begin seeing my own visions through the lens of my personal symbolic architecture. We are taught that the realm of the imagination is a halfway house between the ego and Spirit. Following this last weekend, it’s as if I were finally decoding an encrypted master key to the backend of my soul.


Capricorn Dark Moon; Year of the Water Tiger

Friday 23 December 2022. ❆ Intention Setting ❆ 12 months of psychotherapy training left in London as I approach the final year of my post-graduate diploma. Determined to offer low cost therapy to more clients in need and consolidate my energetic resources to best serve myself, my Self and my practice.

But, what is integrative, transpersonal psychotherapy?

Over the lifespan of this blog, I will attempt to answer the question with fragments of theory and human-centred hypotheticals, based on the past four years I’ve spent studying and gaining clinical experience in the field. 
